A hapless burglar came off second-best after he was caught red-handed by a home-alone 12-year-old girl - who promptly kicked him in the groin.
A hapless burglar came off second-best after he was caught red-handed by a home-alone 12-year-old girl - who promptly kicked him in the groin.
If you are the type who takes a certain pride in being stubborn, look away now.
人不可能永遠走在時代的尖端,如果認為某人的服裝、行為甚至思想已經跟不上時代,可以說:「You’re behind the times.」 或 「You’re not with it.」也可以說:「You’re living in the past.」「You’re out of touch.」「You’re out of date.」都是「你跟社會脫節了」之意。
Prince Charles, Britain’s heir-to-throne, has a woolly idea or two about how vintage clothes, recycling and the fashion industry can help protect the planet.
A laid off paramedic who turned to delivering pizzas to make ends meet is credited with saving the life of a man who went into cardiac arrest just as a pizza was delivered to his door.
Extracts of broccoli and banana may help in fighting stomach problems, research suggests. Laboratory studies show fibres from the vegetables may boost the body’s natural defences against stomach infections.
Pope Benedict will be confronted by posters on London’s famous red buses during his trip to the British capital this month which will call for the ordination of women priests.
The law enforcement officials who ruined the honeymoon of a newlywed homeless couple say they were only doing their job.
They say the Germans have no sense of humour. But as a video of a pillow fight posted on YouTube shows, when it comes to flying at least, they have finally learned to lighten up.
這世界就是這麼不公平,有些人每天汲汲營營,只求溫飽,有些人卻整天閒閒沒事做,在家享福。我們要怎麼形容這些台語中的「櫻英美代子」呢?我們可以酸溜溜地說:She’s got nothing better to do.(她沒啥事可做),或者 She’s got nothing important to do.(她沒啥重要事可做),當然,若要誇張形容此人「整天沒事幹」,便可說:She hangs out all day.,這裡的 hang out 是「閒混」之意。
Cloud computing,雲端運算(中國大陸譯雲計算)這個奧妙的名詞,來自IT界習慣以雲的概念形容網路。根據研究機構Gartner的定義,雲端運算指透過網路技術,將大規模且可擴充的IT相關能力,以服務的方式提供用戶。Google台灣總經理簡立峰以更直接的方式說明:「雲端運算就是把資料全丟到網路上處理。」
美國經濟復甦步調趨緩,聯邦準備理事會(Fed)高層官員柏拉德(James Bullard)日前發表一篇悲觀的報告,指美國有通貨緊縮(deflation)之虞,聯準會最好考慮再實施危機對策,嚴防美國步上日本「失落的10年」(the lost decade)中經濟停滯的後塵。柏拉德是聖路易聯邦準備銀行總裁,他警告說,當前的美國,比「晚近歷史上任何時期」更接近日本失落的10年的景況。
The British government has declared war on the profusion of unnecessary road traffic signs, railings and advertising boards, saying they blight towns’ English character. Communities Secretary Eric Pickles and Transport Secretary Philip Hammond has written to local council leaders in England, calling on them to cut the number of unsightly signs and other "street clutter". Even traffic lights are in the firing line.
Just five minutes of riding a bicycle each day can help a younger woman keep the pounds off, U.S. researchers have reported in a study offering one potentially easy way to help Americans slim down.
Twenty percent of Britons have managed to send racy texts to the wrong person, and nearly one in 10 has been caught red-handed "sexting," according to a poll.
Many more people will die of heart problems as global warming continues, experts are warning. Climate extremes of hot and cold will become more common and this will puts strain on people’s hearts, doctors say.
For Africans wondering whether the malaria drugs they’ve bought are real, there may soon be a quick way of finding out: sending a text message.
A new service is being launched in the UK for lonely people to hire a "strictly platonic" friend to go to the movies or a restaurant with them.
Hair color is the number one appearance concern for British men today, with more than half of British men worrying about graying hair, and 45 marks the age when panic really sets in, according to a poll from market research firm Mintel.