以前男生若批評女生的長相,通常很不留情面,一些較有良心的人則改用「愛國」等字眼形容。雖說一樣狠毒,但至少委婉一些。英文也有類似較不狠的說法:She’s plain.(plain 是「平庸的;平凡無奇的」、She’s a plain Jane.(plain Jane指的是「平庸無奇的女孩」,只是用個常見的女生名字 Jane 來押韻)、She’s totally average.(average是「中等的;普通的」)。就算某女生真的外貌很普通,你也可以說:She’s below average.(她在水準以下),不管如何總比說She’s ugly.來得好!
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「血鑽石」(blood diamond),又稱「衝突鑽石」(conflict diamond),典出1990年代。當時非洲獅子山共和國、賴比瑞亞、安哥拉、剛果民主共和國爆發內戰,數百萬人喪命,而以奴工挖掘的裸鑽,就成為叛軍獲取戰爭經費的來源,但也使衝突持續擴大。
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「股神」巴菲特日前表示,他和微軟董事長比爾.蓋茲已說動38位美國富豪加入他們6月中發起的「捐贈承諾」(The Giving Pledge)行動,承諾在有生之年或死後,將半數以上資產捐給慈善事業。不過他倆也碰了不少軟釘子,約半數接觸的富豪並不認同,包括身價110億美元的「金融大鱷」索羅斯和身價90億美元的艾康。
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Two-tailed dog livens up Hungary’s election
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A controversial dating website which only allows beautiful members has launched an online sperm and egg bank for people desperate to have attractive children.
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’Bouquet Bandit’ busted in Brooklyn: police
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Adversity and stress early in life leads to long-term ill health and early death, a group of psychologists warn. A series of studies suggest that childhood stress caused by poverty or abuse can lead to heart disease, inflammation, and speed up cell ageing.
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Just when you get a chance to lay your hands on the latest computer game, along comes mum and hogs it. This comical scene took place after a young zoo visitor accidentally dropped his Nintendo DS games console into the gorilla enclosure.
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Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi lived up to his "playboy" reputation on Monday, saying men from Latin countries can "appreciate pretty girls" and asking foreign ambassadors to bring some over.
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’I’m not talking Britain down’, Cameron insists.
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台灣每隔一段時間就會有一種東西在短期內造成風潮,一下是蛋塔,一下是竹炭產品。要如何形容某樣產品十分熱門?你可以說:This is the hottest product right now.(hottest 是「最熱門的」),This is the in product right now.(in 為「時髦的、超流行的」)。也可說:This is all the rage.(這東西超火)。另一種說法是:This product is selling like hot cakes.這裡的hot cakes 是「賣得超快超好」之意。
A: I don’t get why so many people are waiting in line over there… (我不懂為什麼這麼多人在那裡排隊…)
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Surreal shades of "Alice in Wonderland" crept into Australia’s election campaign recently when Prime Minister Julia Gillard was forced to deny that "Mr. Rabbit" had appeared on the hustings.
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A ‘pain ray’ that blasts the enemy with unbearable heat waves has been pulled out of Afghanistan by the US military.
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Giant burgers cause jaw injuries in Taiwan
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Exercising in your 40’s,50’s and 60’s is like saving for your retirement, experts say. Starting early is money in the bank, but even late bloomers can reap astonishing benefits.
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A Michigan man credited his dog with saving his life by chewing off his diseased big toe as he lay passed out in a drunken stupor.
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Sweden’s Feminist party roasted a pile of bank notes worth 100,000 Swedish crowns on Tuesday in a stunt designed to highlight wage disparities between men and women ahead of a national election.
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