A frustrated motorist whose car was blocked by an ambulance was arrested after driving the emergecy vehicle out of his way before continuting his journey.
A frustrated motorist whose car was blocked by an ambulance was arrested after driving the emergecy vehicle out of his way before continuting his journey.
Cape Town’s elite restaurateurs are in a froth over local authority plans aimed at tackling township binge drinking which will outlaw the city’s popular champagne breakfasts.
DaHjaj ’oH Qaq jaj vaD bI’reS.
No, your screen is not broken -- that, for the uninitiated, is how one says "Today is a good day for opera" in Klingon.
Scientists say that feeding curry to sheep could help save the planet - by reducing methane emissions.
German president Christian Wulff’s preference for bread and baked goods made in distant Hanover has got the country’s newly elected head of state into hot water.
People who do puzzles and crosswords may stave off dementia longer but experience a more rapid decline once the disease sets in, a study suggests.
A Paris man who registered 55 children by 55 different mothers faces up to 10 years in jail and fines for suspected paternity fraud and for helping to obtain residency under false pretences, police said.
A small dog who refused to return home until a neighbor followed her helped rescue her owner after he collapsed at home following heart surgery.
Forget the girlfriends or wives, it’s the pushy mums who drive their sons to success
日常生活中常會遇到一些無厘頭、不按牌理出牌的人,白癡的行徑讓人不得不大呼:「你很瞎耶」、「你很扯耶」!英文中,若對方耍白癡的情節比較輕微,則可以說:You’re goofy!(goofy是「愚笨的;傻的」),若情節較嚴重,則可說:You’re outrageous!、You’re nuts!(nuts 是「瘋癲的;傻的」),或者 You’re crazy! 來表達心聲。
最新一期《科學》雜誌報導,天文學家發現,月球直徑在過去這10億年裡,大約縮小了200公尺,但肉眼難以察覺。月球原本極熱的核心逐漸冷卻,使月球地殼斷裂產生斷層,斷層滑動相互堆疊,形成突出的山脊,稱為「瓣狀裂谷」(lobate scarps)。
所謂DNR(Do Not Resuscitate)直譯是不施行心肺復甦術,也就是簽署放棄急救意願書。傳統觀念裡,「善終」是最大的福氣,也就是在人生旅途結束時,沒有痛苦地謝幕。正因絕大多數人無法預料何時會罹患重病?會不會發生重大意外?因此,當那一刻來臨時,如何從容面對死亡,是大家都要深思的課題。
據《紐約時報》報導,避險基金經理人華德(Anthony Ward)買進的可可豆,已多到足以製成50多億條巧克力棒。他囤積可可豆以哄抬價格的行為,使倫敦市場的可可豆期貨價格創30年新高,巧克力製造商和其他市場人士恨得牙癢癢。對某些人來說,華德是電影《巧克力冒險工廠》(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)中的巧克力廠老闆威利.旺卡(Willy Wonka)的真實版;對其他人來說,他是企圖掌控全球可可供應的超級期貨惡棍(bond supervillain)。
《紐約時報》最近有篇發人深省的專文題為 “Less Stuff, More Happiness”(減持東西,幸福加分),文中指出,隨著美國經濟衰退(recession)而引發所謂 “back-to-basics movement”(返璞歸真運動)。以俄勒岡州波特蘭31歲的湯美.史托伯和洛根.史密斯夫婦為例,他們不但把多餘的衣物、書本、鍋碗瓢盆等身外之物處理掉,甚至連電視和汽車都賣了,搬到單間公寓,還清卡債。並因開支減少,工作時數壓縮,勻出更多時間從事戶外休閒活動和當義工。主要原因是:他們發現獲取更多物質再也無法帶來快樂幸福,他們要尋找每一塊美元所能帶來的最大「情緒效應」(emotional efficiency)或幸福感。
Mom is neutral. Everyone else has an opinion. The unusual spectacle of two brothers fighting for the soul of the defeated Labour Party _ and the chance to challenge Prime Minister David Cameron in the next general election _ has turned a ho-hum contest into a nailbiter.
Despite the fact their bodies may be in decline, women are more likely to have sexual fantasies and affairs as they approach 40, a study showed.
Growing up without siblings does not mean a child will have poor social skills later in life, researchers say. A US study of more than 13,000 11-to 18-year-olds found "only-children" were chosen as school friends just as often as peers who had brothers and sisters.
Alesaundra Tafoya’s parents have been teaching their daughter about safety in their Northern California community, pointing out such safe havens as fire stations if she ever finds herself in trouble.