People who do puzzles and crosswords may stave off dementia longer but experience a more rapid decline once the disease sets in, a study suggests.
While there has long been speculation that "exercising" your brain could protect against Alzheimer’s, there has been little evidence to back this up. Now US researchers who followed more than 1,000 people suggest the more mentally active may delay the disease. But once symptoms appeared, decline was quicker, the research suggested.
The team from the Rush University Medical Center in Chicago recruited 1,157 people aged over 65 in the early 1990s. They were given a maximum of five points based on how often they engaged in a variety of activities which involved processing information, including listening to the radio or watching TV, reading a book, carrying out a crossword puzzle or jigsaw, or going to a museum.
They were then followed for an average of 12 years, with assessments every three years. For each additional point those without a diagnosed cognitive impairment saw a 50% slower decline in their brain function.
But the 148 people who had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s saw a 42% faster decline for each point they had accumulated for mental activity.
stave off :片語,擊退、延緩、阻止不好的事情發生。例句:He drank plenty of orange juice, hoping to stave off the cold making the rounds at the office. (他猛喝柳橙汁,希望避免感冒在辦公室散佈。)
set in: 片語,(不好的事情)降臨。例句:If you get bitten by a dog, you have to make sure the wound is properly cleaned, or an infection could set in.(如果被狗咬,得確定傷口適當清潔,不然會感染。)
carry out :片語,實施、執行、完成。例句:The hospital is carrying out tests to find out what’s wrong with her.(醫院正在檢查她出了什麼毛病。)