Forget the girlfriends or wives, it’s the pushy mums who drive their sons to success
Behind every great man there is a great woman. But it’s far more likely to be his pushy mother than his partner driving him on, according to scientists.
The finding will ring true for men who have been egged on to do better in life by their domineering mothers.
In climbing the ladder of success, it is the men who have their mothers backing them from the sidelines who do better, a study suggests.
German scientists drew the conclusions after observing bonobo communities. As with humans, successful male bonobos are more attractive to females, they found. But to be successful male apes have to rise through their community hierarchy, which can involve winning battles with higher-ranking males to see off more dominant rivals.
The males who won these battles were more likely to be the ones who were backed from the wings by pushy mothers, experts at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology found.
ring true:動詞,聽起來像真的、聽起來有道理。例句:I don’t think that your excuse for the mistake you made rang true.(我不認為你對於你所犯錯誤的理由聽起來有道理。)
egg on:動詞片語,激勵、慫恿去做某事。例句:He was egged on to drink more than he can handle.(他被勸酒喝到酒力不勝負荷。)
see off:動詞片語,送行,趕走。例句:My parents saw me off at the airport.(我父母到機場為我送行。)