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Don’t patronize me!(別呼攏我!)

男人的「甜言蜜語」,讓女生聽了很受用,但當男人犯錯時或心虛時,所說的甜言蜜語可要提防,不妨告訴他:Don’t think I don’t know what’s going on.(別以為我不知道你在搞什麼鬼)、或更直接一點:Don’t patronize me!(別呼攏我!別哄我!)

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Hitler "Downfall" parodies removed from YouTube


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Timers have been installed to prevent civil servants from spending any longer than ten minutes in the toilet. Dozens of workers have reportedly been caught out by the new efficiency drive at the Government Office for the West Midlands.


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Some motorists are complaining that old traffic fines they already paid to one Ohio county are coming back to haunt them.


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A nasal spray can make men more in tune with other people’s feelings, say a team of German and UK researchers. They found that inhaling the "cuddle hormone" oxytocin made men just as empathetic as women.


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Residents of the dolphin-hunting village depicted in Oscar documentary "The Cove" have dangerously high mercury levels, likely because of their fondness for dolphin and whale meat, a government lab said.


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Three rare woolly pigs - or sheep pigs - are settling into their new home at Tropical Wings Zoo in Essex, but many visitors think they’re sheep. And who can blame them?


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Entrepreneurs in Iceland are cashing in on crisis by selling jars of volcanic ash for £75 on the internet.

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That’s a rip-off!(搶錢啊!)

當你聽到有人花了大筆錢卻物不超所值,甚至被敲竹槓時,可以說:That’s a rip-off!(rip-off是名詞,意為「剝削;冒牌貨」)。另一個說法則是:You got ripped-off.(你被敲竹槓了)。

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“Ever tasted a pea-flower or beetroot sprout?” said Didier Pil, a chubby French vegetable farmer in overalls whose annual harvest of 120 different varieties largely winds up in the kitchens of the country's top chefs. Butchers, dairy-farmers, fruit-growers and fishermen -- star chef Alain Ducasse recently gathered together the creme de la creme of the country's producers for a show held in one of Paris' most exclusive hotels, decked out for the occasion with walls of lettuce.


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一些微國家領袖,4 月17日在澳洲丹加島舉行首屆微國家領袖會議。所謂「微國家」(Micronations),是民眾自建的國家,有的國家領土就是自己的家,這些國家雖小,但有國民、領土、政府、外交,甚至發行護照、郵票、貨幣等。微國家的概念,大體指從其他國家獨立出來的個體,不受約束的以國家狀態存在。這些微國家有戰爭、成功、獨立和倖存等歷史。他們被宣布合法化,成為比較自由的個體王國。以下是其中3個最奇怪的例子:


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2010台北國際花博流行館將出現以150萬支回收寶特瓶築成的「環生方舟」(EcoARK)。這座耗資3億元的綠建築,是全世界第一座由回收寶特瓶搭的房子。Ecoark = ecology + Noah's ark,是生態加諾亞方舟的合體字,在《聖經》中,上帝看不慣人類的仇恨、嫉妒及貪念等種種罪行,決心毀滅世界,但由於諾亞是個虔誠且有愛心的好人,上帝不忍心連諾亞都消滅,於是教他建造方舟,將各種家禽及家畜一公一母搬上方舟而不致被大洪水淹沒。因此,所謂環生方舟,取在生態浩劫下仍能劫後餘生的意思。


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Condemnation from gay groups and the French government forced the Vatican into damage control over remarks by the pope’s right-hand man linking paedophilia to homosexuality.


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   1. 蹩腳口語:The waitress judged us from heads to feet in two seconds.

     道地口語:That waitress sized us up in two seconds.

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     1. The North Pole is 360 degrees away from the South Pole.

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Having battled Islamic extremists, Irish Republican terrorists and Russian spies, some of the veteran intelligence officers of MI5 are encountering a foe they cannot master: information technology.


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Important events in history don't have to be that far in the past. Just a few years ago, a great archaeological mystery was solved. On this date in 2007, the tomb of Herod the Great was discovered. Herod was a king of Israel with a reputation for good and evil. He was known for his grand building projects and murdering many people. Archaeologist Ehud Netzer spent 35 years searching for Herod's tomb. He followed the information from Josephus, a 1st-century historian. The tomb was discovered in Herodium, the fortress palace Herod built on a hill near Jerusalem. Although Netzer successfully found the tomb, Herod's body was no longer inside.

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Cheesecake in hand, the police commissioner personally apologized Friday for the 50 or so mistaken, door-pounding visits that police have made to the home of a bewildered elderly Brooklyn couple in the past eight years.


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Happy Birthday today to Sigmund Freud. He was born on this date in 1856 in an area that was once part of the Austrian Empire. Freud studied minds and became known for his interesting and sometimes strange ideas. He started a new kind of psychiatry called psychoanalysis. His method was to have his patients work out their problems by talking about them. Freud believed that holding emotions back would cause physical and mental problems for the patient. Freud's most famous theories, however, are about the unconscious mind.

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Napping after learning something new could help you commit it to memory - as long as you dream, scientists say. They found people who dream about a new task perform it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.


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