
Timers have been installed to prevent civil servants from spending any longer than ten minutes in the toilet. Dozens of workers have reportedly been caught out by the new efficiency drive at the Government Office for the West Midlands.


A hidden sensor switches off the toilet light after ten minutes of use, reports the Daily Telegraph.


Staff have condemned the GOWM for the move, which was introduced in a bid to help save millions of pounds. One worker at the offices in Birmingham said: "This was brought in without any staff consultation and is both humiliating and degrading."


"Can you imagine the indignity of being in a cubicle, letting nature take its course, when suddenly the lights go out, and you have to fumble in the dark to make yourself decent, before struggling to make your way out towards the main door to the toilets where the switch is?"


Similar changes are expected to be rolled out around the country to meet Treasury targets for Whitehall departments to make "efficiency savings" worth £11bn a year.



in a bid to:指企圖、努力爭取…。例句:The two sides have been locked in discussion in a bid to find a compromise.(雙方持續談判,希望找到妥協之道。)

let nature take its course:片語,順其自然。本文中是指順應生理需要(指上廁所)。answer(obey) the call of nature,是指(滿足)生理需要(指大小便等)。

fumble:動詞,笨手笨腳或胡亂地用手摸索、拿某物;漏接(球);支支吾吾地說話。例句:He tried to explain but fumbled for words.(他試圖解釋,但是支支吾吾地說不清楚。)



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