A nasal spray can make men more in tune with other people’s feelings, say a team of German and UK researchers. They found that inhaling the "cuddle hormone" oxytocin made men just as empathetic as women.


The study in 48 volunteers also showed that the spray boosted the ability to learn from positive feedback.


Oxytocin is a naturally produced hormone, most well-known for triggering labour pains and promoting bonding between mother and baby. But it has also been shown to play a role in social relations, sex and trust. Study leader Professor Keith Kendrick, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University, said by giving the hormone nasally, it quickly reaches the brain.


In the first part of the study, half the men received a nose spray containing oxytocin and half were given a dummy spray. They were then shown photos of emotionally charged situations including a crying child, a girl hugging her cat, and a grieving man, and were asked questions about the depth of feeling they had towards the subjects.


Those who had the hormone spray had markedly higher levels of empathy.



nasal:形容詞,鼻子的。例句:She spoke in nasal tones.(她用鼻音說話。)

in tune with sb/sth:片語,了解,同意。 例句:Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want.(他會成功,很大成分是來自了解客戶需求。)

cuddle:動詞,擁抱。 例句:She cuddled the baby and eventually it stopped crying.(她抱著這個小寶寶,小寶寶終於不哭了。)



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