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When gunmen burst into Gaza’s Palestine Bank on Monday and demanded a quarter of a million dollars the branch manager had to give in - he couldn’t say no to the police.


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Captain James Cook was an English explorer for the British Royal Navy. He sailed to many places that people from Europe had not yet discovered. He also made maps of the places he visited. One of the new areas he traveled around was the Pacific Ocean. On this date in 1770, Captain Cook caught sight of a new land. What he saw then is now known as Australia. Cook was also the first person on record to sail around New Zealand.

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Former NY governor’s call girl strips down for Playboy

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On this date in 1906, the people of San Francisco, California were woken up at 5:12 AM. Homes and buildings were shaken like toys as a massive earthquake hit the city. The earthquake was so big, in fact, that it could be felt from the state of Oregon in the north all the way to the city of Los Angeles in the south. Because of the destruction and fires that broke out afterwards, nearly 3,000 people were killed. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake is still considered one of the worst natural disasters ever to hit the US.

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From flags to candles and tulips to tacky badges, business is brisk for those looking to make a fast buck in the wake of the air-crash death in Russia of Polish president Lech Kaczynski.


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Baby boys who are looked after by nannies are more likely to womanise, a psychiatrist has claimed.


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Our cheesy photo with president... er, who?


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Children whose mothers work are less likely to lead healthy lives than those with "stay at home" mums, a study says. The Institute of Child Health study of more than 12,500 five-year-olds found those with working mothers less active and more likely to eat unhealthy food.


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A man who claimed to have been sent by Jesus to punish sinners rammed his car into a parked plane at an airport in southeastern Nigeria, an aviation spokesman said Thursday.


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A burglar in New Jersey whipped up a chicken and rice dish after breaking into a restaurant in the town of Hillsdale.


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It may sound far-fetched, but federal regulators are studying whether sudden acceleration in Toyotas is linked to cosmic rays.

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You’re full of yourself!(你少臭美了!)

身邊有自大、自滿、自以為是的朋友該怎麼辦呢?身為這些人的朋友真是痛苦,必須天天聽他們吹噓自己,可是又不能當場點破他們,不然多年的友誼可能就此告吹。不過,所謂「友直、友諒、友多聞」,最好還是老實告訴這些人:You’re full of yourself!或者你也可以說:Don’t be smug!(別沾沾自喜了!)至於形容人「自以為是」還可以用self-righteous(自以為是的)、opinionated(頑固、堅持己見)、或者dogmatic(固執己見的)。

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Labour’s recent attempt to ridicule David Cameron as an Eighties TV detective backfired spectacularly, after the Tories turned it into a vote-winner for their leader.


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中國不但是製造業的世界工廠,現在連英文也Made in China,只是所生產的英文夾雜中文的洋涇濱英文(Chinglish),堪稱中國文化的另類輸出。例如,以China+consumers 的合體字Chinsumers,稱呼出國旅遊時揮金如土的中國購物狂。

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In a judgment condemned as ’the summit of perversity’ and ’an open door for paedophiles’, a Belgian man was acquitted of charges he raped his four-year-old daughter because he did it in his sleep, Belgian media reported on Tuesday.


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People terrified of visiting the dentist can overcome their fear with acupuncture, researchers have claimed. The findings, in the journal Acupuncture in Medicine, may offer some comfort to the one in five people thought to have dental phobia.


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More than half a century after Edmund Hillary first stood on the top of Mount Everest, the ashes of the world-famous mountaineer are to be carried to the summit by a Nepalese Sherpa.


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If you guessed that this festival was a strange way to celebrate the changing of the seasons, you would be greatly mistaken. Held in Kenting, Spring Scream is an outdoor festival that focuses on music. The festival was the idea of two Americans, Jimi Moe and Wade Davis, and has been held annually since it started in 1995. The festival lasts from two to 11 days but averages four days most years. Spring Scream started off with only a handful of bands but now has around 200 acts1 each year.

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