Children whose mothers work are less likely to lead healthy lives than those with "stay at home" mums, a study says. The Institute of Child Health study of more than 12,500 five-year-olds found those with working mothers less active and more likely to eat unhealthy food.
The study is in the Journal of Epidemiology and Child Health.
About 60% of mothers with children aged up to five are estimated to be in work. The mothers were asked about the hours they worked and their children’s diet, exercise levels and sedentary activities. A third of the mothers had not worked since the birth of their child, but the mothers who were employed were spending an average of 21 hours a week at work.
They took into account factors likely to influence the results, such as the mothers’ level of education and socioeconomic circumstances. They found that five-year-olds whose mothers worked part-time or full-time were more likely to primarily consume sweetened drinks between meals.
They used their computers or watched television for at least two hours a day compared to the children of "stay at home" mums who spent less than two hours on these activities.
sedentary:形容詞,久坐的。例句: My doctor says I should start playing sport because my lifestyle is too sedentary.(我的醫生說,我應該開始做運動,因為我太常坐著了。)
take sth into account:片語,把…列入考量。例句:I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.(希望老師改考卷的時候,會把我考試前剛好不舒服的情況考慮進去。)
consume:動詞,吃喝,攝取。例句:He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.(他每餐都吃很多薯條。)