A group of Benedictine nuns who live in complete seclusion in the South of France are set to become divas of pop after signing a deal with Universal Music, the leading record company behind Lady Gaga and Amy Winehouse.


After a worldwide search for the finest exponents of the art of the Gregorian chant, the Nuns of the Abbaye de Notre-Dame de L’Annonciation have signed a deal with Universal’s Decca Records label. The enclosed order still communicates with outsiders through a grille to avoid intrusion into a life of religious devotion. As a result, the nuns in the abbey will have to photograph their own album cover, as well as provide the footage for their television advertisements.


The order, based near Avignon, dates back to the 6th century and follows a strict tradition of living behind closed doors once novice nuns have taken their vows. Sisters then remain inside the convent until death.


"We never sought this, it came looking for us," said the Rev Mother Abbess. "At first we were worried it would affect our cloistered life, so we asked St Joseph in prayer. Our prayers were answered and we thought that this album would be a good thing if it touches people’s lives and helps them find peace."



cloister:動詞,指與世隔絕,或用迴廊環繞,如She is a scientist who cloisters herself in a laboratory.(她是個在實驗室裡與外界隔絕的科學家。)或cloistered gardens(有迴廊環繞的花園)。作名詞用時即指(修道院或大學的)迴廊、也可指修道院、或指修道院內的生活。

exponent:名詞,指(原理、學說等的)闡述者、說明者,或倡導者、代表者、典型,如Jacqueline du Pre’ was a leading exponent of cello-playing.(杜普蕾是大提琴演奏的主要代表人物。)

footage:名詞,原指以英尺表示的長度,如estimated the square footage of new office space.(估計新辦公室空間的面積),亦可指(以英尺計算的)影片長度,再引申為指影片,尤指有關某特殊事件的影片,如news footage of the royal wedding(王室婚禮的新聞影片)。



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