If your best friends’ marriage is falling apart then beware, yours could also be heading for the rocks.
Researchers have discovered that divorce is catching and spreads like a disease through families, work places and groups of friends.
The domino effect means that if an immediate friend or colleague splits up, your own chance of divorce increases by 75 per cent. Even the break-up of a friend-of-a-friend’s marriage boosts your chances of divorce by a third, scientists say.
The researchers describe the effect as ’divorce clustering’ - and believe that break-ups within friendship groups force couples to start questioning their own relationships.
Divorce among family members and work mates also increased the chances of someone’s own marriage ending, the study found. And while many couples cling to the belief that children reduce their risk of divorce, the scientists found it made no difference.
fall apart:片語,破碎;破裂;崩潰。例句:When she learned of her mother’s death, she fell apart.(當她聽到她母親的死訊時,整個人都崩潰了。)
catching:形容詞,傳染性的。例句:Hepatitis B is catching. (B型肝炎具有傳染性。)
cling to︰片語,緊抓、堅持。例句:She clings to the hope that her husband will come back to her.(她緊抓著老公會回到她身邊的希望。)