Getting behind the wheel has long been considered impossible for the blind. That could soon change. The National Federation of the Blind and Virginia Tech plan to demonstrate a prototype vehicle next year equipped with technology that helps a blind person drive a car independently.


The technology, called "nonvisual interfaces," uses sensors to let a blind driver maneuver a car based on information transmitted to him about his surroundings:whether another car or object is nearby, in front of him or in a neighboring lane.


Advocates for the blind consider it a "moon shot," a goal similar to President John F. Kennedy’s pledge to land a man on the moon. For many blind people, driving a car long has been considered impossible. But researchers hope the project could revolutionize mobility and challenge long-held assumptions about limitations.



surroundings:名詞,環境。例句:They live in very comfortable surroundings.(他們居住的環境非常舒服。)

equip:動詞,裝備。例句:All the police officers were equipped with shields to defend themselves against the rioters.(所有警員都拿到盾牌,幫他們對付暴徒。)

revolutionize:動詞,徹底改革。例句:Newton’s discoveries revolutionized physics.(牛頓的發現為物理學帶來革命。)



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