German Chancellor Angela Merkel was left licking her wounds after rebels in her coalition turned a routine presidential vote into a damaging debacle that left her bruised and weakened.


It took nine hours and three rounds of voting by a special assembly of MPs and public figures for Merkel’s candidate Christian Wulff to be elected to the largely ceremonial post of head of state.


With Merkel’s coalition holding a majority in the assembly, the election should have been a shoo-in in the first round, but a handful of rebels voted against Wulff in the secret ballot in a blow to the chancellor’s authority.


Following embarrassing and dramatic first two rounds, the nail-biting third became in effect a battle for the political future of Merkel, four times named the world’s most powerful woman by Forbes Magazine.


The stakes for Merkel could hardly have been higher. A recent poll in Bild showed that 48 percent of Germans wanted her to throw in the towel if her man did not get elected.



on the ropes:片語,指表現不佳、極可能失敗,如His political career is on the ropes.(他的政治生涯岌岌可危。)

lick one’s wounds:片語,指失敗後的休養生息、養精蓄銳,如When dogs and other animals are injured, they lick their wounds in order to help them get better.(當狗或其他動物受傷時,牠們會舔拭傷口,好讓自己舒服一點。)或After retiring to lick its wounds, the party is regaining its confidence.(歷經一段時間養精蓄銳後,該政黨又重拾信心。)

shoo-in:名詞,(口語用法),指十拿九穩的勝利者、不二人選,如She’s a shoo-in for re-election to the Senate.(她競選連任參議員可望篤定勝選。)



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