A Minnesota couple said their son was born while his mother was behind the wheel of her car en route to the hospital.


Amanda McBride, 29, said she left work at about 11:30 p.m. Tuesday when she began feeling labor pains and picked up the child’s father, Joseph Phillips, 33, on her way to North Country Regional Hospital in Bemidji, the Bemidji Pioneer reported Monday.


McBride said she had to drive the car because Phillips suffers seizures, but the couple said Phillips had to grab the wheel when McBride’s water broke mid-drive.


"She yelled at me to grab the wheel," Phillips said. "And then, all of a sudden, I heard this little waaa (cry)."


The mother, who has two older sons, said the birth was quick.


"The baby just came right out," she said. "I was just sitting on the seat and he just slid out. It really wasn’t bad at all."


The baby, Joseph Dominick Phillips, was found to be healthy and weighed 8 pounds, doctors said.



behind the wheel:片語,在駕駛或掌舵。例句:They took turns behind the wheel.(他們輪流開車。)

en route to:片語,在途中。例句:They were en route from New York to Paris.(他們在從紐約到巴黎的途中。)

all of a sudden:片語,出乎意料地、冷不防地。例句:All of a sudden the lights went out. (燈突然熄了。)



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