America’s ambassador to the UK and his British counterpart had bet a steak dinner on the England-USA game.


Brtain’s man in Washington, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, had said England’s chances of losing were the same as how he liked his meat - "rare".


But Robert Green’s howler in front of goal saved US ambassador Louis Susman from having to fork out. The 1-1 draw means they will now split the bill.


In his Foreign Office blog on 10 June, Sir Nigel had written: "If England win, Ambassador Susman buys me lunch at a steakhouse in DC;if the US pulls off an astonishing steal, I buy him a fine lunch at a London pub.


"As Britain’s Ambassador to the United States, I will tell you that I am supremely confident about England’s chances."


However, his chance of a meal at the American ambassador’s expense slipped away when Robert Green spilled a limp shot from USA striker Clint Dempsey over his own line just before half-time.


The transatlantic bet, brokered by aides, is now off but the pair will still meet up for dinner, Mr Susman says.



stalemate:名詞,指陷入僵局、(棋局)無子可動,如Tomorrow’s meeting between the two leaders is expected to break a diplomatic stalemate that has lasted for ten years.(兩國領袖明天的會議預料可打破長達十年的外交僵局。)

howler:名詞,非正式用語,指愚蠢而明顯的錯誤,尤指某人所說或所寫下的錯誤,如I called her by the name of his first wife, which was a bit of a howler.(我把她叫成他第一任妻子的名字,真是錯得離譜。)

fork out (sth):動詞片語,非正式用法,指付錢,尤指在不情願的情況下付錢,如I forked out ten quid for/on the ticket.(我心不甘情不願地拿出十塊錢買票。)



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