Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is offering parents a cure for children who don’t want to go to sleep. Have them watch his televised speeches.


In a television appearance on Thursday to extol the virtues of a portable computer his socialist government plans to introduce at public schools, Chavez said youngsters had stopped him in the street to tell him they saw him on television.


"It seems that there are mothers who, instead of putting their kids to sleep with cartoons, put them to sleep with Chavez," he said.


"And the child dozes off and dozes off, and Chavez speaks and speaks and speaks. And the child falls asleep," said the loquacious leader, well known for speeches that can last for hours.


Venezuelan TV stations are interrupted regularly for Chavez’s speeches, which can range from global politics to the nationalizing of businesses. Every Sunday, he hosts his "Hello President" program, which starts at 11 a.m. and often lasts most of the day.



put to sleep︰片語,使入睡,也有消除、打消之意。例句︰You always seemed so well-behaved that my fears were put to sleep.(你似乎總是如此的舉止有禮,我的擔心也就打消了。)

doze off︰片語,打瞌睡。例句︰I dozed off in the middle of the boss’s speech.(老闆講話時,我打了一會兒瞌睡。)

loquacious︰形容詞,多話的。例句︰The brandy make him a bit loquacious.(喝了白蘭地,他的話多了起來。) 也可指(鳥)啁啾不休的、(水)潺潺不息的。



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