The Zambian ambassador to the United Nations made a speech Wednesday at New Jersey’s West Orange High School to make amends for dialing the wrong phone number.


In the fall, Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe was trying to reach a diplomat from Sierra Leone. But the number he dialed was one digit off. He ended up calling Logan Svitzer, a student who was sitting in his U.S. history class at the school.


His teacher, Robbin Sweeney, was so annoyed that she called the number and got the ambassador. She thought it was a prank - and spent 10 minutes on the phone with him to verify who he was.


Kapambwe spoke at the school to make up for the inconvenience. He told students about Zambia and urged them to consider diplomatic service as a career.




amend:名詞,動詞,修正,修改,改善;amendment,名詞,修正案。例句:The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects against abuse of government authority in a legal procedure.(美國憲法第五修正案保護人民在司法程序中不會受到政府濫權迫害。)

annoy:動詞,氣惱,打擾,令人不快。例句:Who’s making such an annoying noise?(是誰在製造這麼惹人厭的噪音啊?)

make up for something:片語,彌補,補償,填補。例句:His skill makes up for his lack of speed.(他的精湛手藝彌補了他的慢速度。)



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