Male cosmetics sales in Britain are growing at twice the rate of the female market, according to a survey, with the need to look good for job interviews and the fear of looking old playing key roles.


One in five men use hair dye to cover up signs of grey, the survey of 1,013 males for L’Oreal UK found.


Taking care of their appearance is now a status of manhood, the poll concluded, with almost two thirds of men (56 percent) using cosmetic products daily and 82 percent saying there are no cosmetics products that they would be embarrassed to buy.


A quarter of men regularly use face moisturiser and two in every five (39 percent) use facial cleansers every day to take care of their skin and combat the effect of work stress and ageing.


"We know from the report’s findings that ageing is not just a female concern and that a growing number of men are looking to cosmetics to help present a more professional image in times of economic uncertainty," said Pierre-Yves Arzel, Managing Director for L’Oreal UK & Ireland.



ageing:名詞, 老化,變老或變舊的過程。

manhood:名詞,男子氣概。例句:Their leader told them to prove their manhood by fighting well.(他們的首領要他們奮勇作戰,以此顯示男子漢氣概。)

moisturizer:名詞,保濕霜;潤膚乳液。例句:I can’t even tell a moisturizer from whitening serum.(我連保濕霜跟美白精華是什麼都分不清。)



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