A British postal worker said his marriage ended and he has become a laughing stock at work because he threw away a $153,000 scratch-off lottery ticket.


Cemal Celikkanat, 38, a driver for the Royal Mail, said he thought the dollar amounts on the scratch-off card he purchased at the convenience store in Sheffield had to be in a row to win, but the card pays out for any three-of-a-kind dollar amounts, the Sheffield Telegraph reported Friday.


"When I found out I felt dizzy and dropped to my knees -- it was like being hit over the head. I threw away 100,000 pounds ($153,000)," he said. "I feel so terrible, I think about it every day, it’s had a massive impact on my life."


He said he tried to retrieve the ticket from the trash at the convenience store but was told it had already been sent to an incinerator.



laughing stock:名詞,笑柄。例句: His mistakes have made him a laughing stock.(他的錯誤使他成為笑柄。)

in a row:片語,成一長排,連續地。例句:Two days in a row he has not been here.(連續兩天他都不在這裡。)




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