
Chances of seeing a burqa in Belgium are only a little better than spotting a liquor shop in Saudi Arabia. Yet Belgium soon may be the first European nation to outlaw the burqa and other Islamic garb that completely hides a woman’s body and face.


Neighboring France and the Netherlands may also outlaw attire that is viewed by many in western European societies as demeaning to women. It also is considered a gateway to radical Islam, a fear that is stoking rightwing sentiment across the continent.


The initiative is expected become law in July and would apply to all public places, including streets.


Anxieties that visible signs of Islam erode national identity are combining with complaints that immigrants are stealing jobs amid the worst economic slump in decades to deepen a sense of unease in many European countries, small and large alike, over the role of Muslims in society.



dress code:名詞,指在特定場合或特殊社交團體中的服裝規定,如Most evenings there’s a party and the dress code is strict - black tie only.(多數晚上都會舉行宴會,而且服裝規定非常嚴格,只能穿正式禮服入場。)

demeaning:形容詞,指貶低人的、有損人格的,如That advertisement is demeaning to women.(那幅廣告根本在貶低女性。)動詞則為demean,如The entire family was demeaned by his behaviour.(全家都因為他的行為而蒙羞。)

stoke:動詞,原指添加燃料使爐火更旺,亦可引申來指煽惑人心,如He’s been accused of stoking up racial hatred in the region.(他被指控煽起當地的種族仇恨情緒。)

gateway:名詞,指入口、門戶、通道,如New York soon became the gateway to America.(紐約很快就變成通往美國的大門。)亦指通往某事的途徑或方法,如Hard work is the gateway to success.(勤奮乃成功之母。)



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