The leader of Britain’s third party the Liberal Democrats scored a surprise boost after coming top in the first-ever pre-election TV debate between the main contenders.


Nick Clegg emerged ahead of both Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Labour and Conservative leader David Cameron in the US-style televised clash.


Clegg’s centrist party, the second opposition force behind the Conservatives, typically secures under 20 percent support in opinion polls and he has little chance of becoming Britain’s next prime minister.


But the 43-year-old former European lawmaker could find himself holding the balance of power if Britain has a hung parliament after the May 6 election, as polls suggest is possible.


The leaders appeared nervous as the first debate of its kind in British electoral history got under way -- but it quickly descended into political scrapping. Clegg, though, distanced himself from the main parties and sought to offer an alternative to voters.


"Don’t let them tell you that the only choice is between two old parties who have been playing pass-the-parcel with your government for 65 years," he said.



hung parliament:片語,(尤指英國)沒有政黨掌握多數席次的議會,hung 在此處做形容詞,指無法達成決定或判決,如The general election in Britain was expected to result in a hung parliament.(英國此次國會大選預料將無任一政黨掌握多數席次的局面)。a hung jury則指(因陪審團員意見不一致而)無法做出裁定的陪審團。

descend into sth:動詞片語,較正式用法,指情況衰敗、墮落、每下愈況,如The demonstrations in the capital rapidly descended into anarchy.(首都的示威活動迅速演變為無政府的混亂狀態。)




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