Paying for extras has become routine for airline passengers but it doesn’t mean they like it, with a poll showing more than half all travelers hate having to fork out to choose their seat.


The online poll of nearly 2,000 people by website, asked respondents which airline fees they despised the most.


Paying for the privilege of picking their seat was the biggest bugbear for 52 percent of respondents, followed by paying to change flights--something which irked a third of passengers.


A minority, or 14 percent, said they didn’t like paying extra for snacks while just 3 percent said they were happy to pay for any extra services.


George Hobica, president of, said there are certain airline services that really do involve added expense, "but assigning a seat, which can be done online for virtually no transaction cost to the airline? it’s simply a way to generate revenue and not to cover a tangible expense. I think passengers realize this and that’s why they’re so annoyed by it."



loathsome:形容詞,令人討厭、反感的。例句:Their using dirty tricks in this election is loathsome.(他們在這次選舉中用奧步令人反感。)

fork out:動詞片語,不情願地花錢。例句:He would not fork out thousands of dollars for an expensive meal.(他是不會花好幾千元吃一頓大餐的。)

bugbear:名詞,令人害怕或煩惱的事物。例句:Paperwork is a bugbear to me.(文書工作是令我煩惱的事。)



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