A deaf South African cleaner besieged by begging relatives after a newspaper reported he had scooped a 91 million rand ($12 million) lottery jackpot was not the winner, the draw’s organizers said on Feb. 16.


National Lottery spokeswoman Thembi Tulwana said the real winner of Friday’s PowerBall draw was an unnamed 43-year-old woman, and not 52-year-old Stanley Philander, a Cape Town hardware store cleaner reported to have carried off the record rollover prize.


Tulwana said Philander had bought -- after the draw -- a lottery ticket with the same numbers as the winning ticket, but "those numbers have nothing to do with the previous draw." He could not explain how the mix-up had escalated into the family being moved to a secret location for their own protection.


Philander’s in-laws said the family was besieged by relatives asking for a share of the winnings after talk of their purported win spread. The Star newspaper said Philander, his wife Diana, who is also deaf, and their two children had been moved from their home in a poor Cape Town neighborhood to an undisclosed location.



scoop:動詞,挖起、搶先賺到,或報導獨家新聞。例句:He scooped an exclusive about the mayor’s sex scandal.(他搶先報導市長性醜聞的獨家新聞。)

carry off:動詞片語,贏得(獎金、獎章)。例句:She carried off a trophy on that championship.(她在那場錦標賽中贏得一座獎盃。)

rollover:名詞,累計的獎金或貸款。例句:The Lottery’s rollover jackpot has passed billion mark.(樂透的累計頭彩彩金已經超過十億大關。)



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