Biologists studying the prairie dogs have found that they have one of the most sophisticated languages in the animal kingdom-second only to humans.
The findings have surprised many wildlife experts as it was assumed that mankind’s closest relatives, primates, or intelligent mammals such as dolphins were likely to be the most talkative species after humans.
But Professor Con Slobodchikoff, a biologist at Northern Arizona University, has discovered that the prairie dogs’ squeaky bark contains surprising amounts of information that can describe colours, size, directions of travel and even speed.
He first discovered the animals’ ability to communicate by studying the alarm calls they make when predators enter their territories.
Prairie dogs are highly social and live in large colonies that can span hundreds of acres of the grasslands of North America. They use loud panic calls to alert other members of the colony of a threat.
second only to︰僅次於;second to none則指不比任何差,例句︰As a baseball picther Chien-Ming Wang is second to none.(作為一名棒球投手,王建民是首屈一指了。)
sophisticated︰形容詞,精密的、複雜的;也有矯柔造作的、老於世故之意,例如,a sophisticated manner(矯柔造作的舉止。)
predator︰名詞,掠奪者、捕食者,形容詞predatory有掠奪性的、損人利己的之意,例如,predatory price-cutting(掠奪性削價。)