A "dirty dozen" bomb-sniffing dogs whose canine nature makes them taboo in the Arab world is helping to win over Iraqis to the idea dogs are man’s best friend -- especially when the animal saves your life.


At Baghdad’s police training college, some of the 12 Alsatians and other breeds now deployed as bomb sniffers in the capital speak to the cultural aversion that has likely cost lives in the fight against a still potent insurgency.


The names of the dogs -- Tom, Pieter, Benny and Shirley, all four donated from Europe -- are often a mouthful for their Iraqi handlers, but they haven’t been changed.


If they had been altered, "I might get offended if a dog has the same name as me," laughed a veterinary official at the college, adding: "English names are good."


Dogs are viewed as unclean by many Muslims because of Islamic teachings that say they put their snouts everywhere. Guard dogs, kept outside of houses, are permissible but many Iraqis shudder at the thought of a dog nosing through personal items in their bags or in their cars.




win sb over/round:動詞片語,指說服某人支持或同意某事,如They’ve won over a lot of the electorate since she’s been leader of the party.(自從她當上黨魁之後,他們已爭取到許多選民支持。)

speak to something:指出或顯示某事,如Your present state of employment speaks to your need for a better education.(你目前的就業狀態,反映出你需要接受更好的教育。)

mouthful:名詞,非正式用語,指冗長而難念的字詞或句子,如That Russian name is really a mouthful.(那個俄文名字真是拗口。)



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