Sexting,’ one of the new rages in cell phone use, is leading some teens to problems with the law. The new craze of using the cell to take photos, send or receive photos of nudity has resulted in eight high school students, from a school in Pennsylvania, of being arrested. The charge is for sending child pornography via the internet.



The students, who range in age from 13 to 17, have each been charged with felony pornography. It is reported that the police have one short video of oral sex.


Perry County District Attorney Charles Chenot has previously prosecuted two sexting cases, which involved ten minors, during the last year. He said he finds sexting to be a form of child pornography.


However, a former U.S. Representative and present Harrisburg civil rights attorney, Don Bailey, is skeptical of the situation. He asked if these should be crimes at all. He said, “this is an over-zealous and inappropriate application of the criminal law.”




rage:名詞,風靡一時的事物。例句:Smartphone is the rage now. (智慧型手機是現在流行的東西。)

felony : 重罪;重刑罪。例句 In ancient times, a person who committed a felony would have his family members sentenced to death with him.(古時候的人如果犯了重罪,就會被判處滿門抄斬。)



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