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Women who do not or cannot talk freely to their doctors will find clear answers to many of their unasked questions in this brief, well-organized book that is authoritative without being authoritarian. Legato, a specialist in women's health at New York's Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons, and Colman, who have previously collaborated on The Female Heart, have constructed an easy-to-browse reference that arranges subjects alphabetically (Abortion to Yeast Infections) and uses a Q&A format to touch on a variety of subtopics. Not surprisingly, menstruation, pregnancy, fertility, contraception, menopause and other reproduction-related issues get the most attention. Up-to-date information is also given on medical tests, living wills and such specific diseases and conditions as high blood pressure, chronic fatigue syndrome and digestive disorders. Even minor problems like weak nails and dandruff earn serious attention. Many women will especially welcome finding straightforward answers to questions they feel would seem too silly (Can underwire bras cause cancer?) or too embarrassing (Is it normal to pass gas during sex?) to ask in person. The back-of-the-book resource list is also useful.

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時間是最匱乏的資源,若無法管理時間,就絕對無法管理其他任何事。」彼得‧杜拉克(Peter Drucker)指出,時間的供給毫無彈性可言,無論需求何其龐大,供給也不會跟著增加。因此,致力於追求工作成效的經理人深知「認識你的時間」(Know Thy Time)的重要性。他將「如何有效管理時間」,拆成4個部分加以說明:

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