The Great Wall never looked so tasty:a team of Chinese confectioners have built a 10 meter long replica of the structure entirely out of chocolate in a bid to entice Chinese to eat more of the sweet stuff.
The chocolate wall is made from solid dark chocolate bricks stuck together with white chocolate and is one of the attractions at the World Chocolate Wonderland exhibition and trade show.
Chocolatier Wang Qilu said his version of the ancient wall was a feat of engineering in itself, with a carefully constructed crumbling section at one end to resemble the real thing. He also had to make sure his materials did not melt.
Up to 80 tons of chocolate were used in making the displays, which include a mini-army of 560 chocolate replicas of the famous Terracotta Warriors standing to attention on a layer of chocolate flakes.
care for:片語, 喜歡,嘗試體驗,被吸引;照顧(某人)。例句:Care for a cup of coffee?(要不要來杯咖啡?)
in a bid to:片語,為了。bid,名詞,企圖,努力。
Wang Qilu:人名,中國人名英譯時大多採用漢語拼音,其中q等於注音符號ㄑ,i等於注音符號ㄧ,l等於注音符號ㄌ,u等於注音符號ㄨ;由於英文譯名通常未註明四聲,是故只能以慣用命名法則並括號加註「譯音」的方式,來推測可能的中文原名。此外,漢語拼音的拼法與台灣常用的通用拼音或威瑪(威妥瑪)拼音的拼法不盡相同,例如同樣是「祈祿」,漢語拼音為Qi Lu,通用拼音為Ji Lu,威瑪拼音則為Chi Lu;因此在面對中國人的英文譯名時,應儘量以漢語拼音(而非通用或威瑪)來還原可能的中文字。